The Importance of Summer Training

The biggest factor in cross-country success is training over the summer!

Here are some of the crucial advantages of summer training:

  1. Studies have shown that young athletes who don’t train diligently over the summer have the greatest incidence of injury in the fall. Their bodies are not prepared for the stress of regular training.
  2. Cross country racing is a short season of two months. There is limited time to get safely and successfully ready when school starts.
  3. Running is like building a house in four phases:
    1. There is a foundation called ENDURANCE –steady build of miles, skills, strength.
    2. There is a structure called STAMINA- addition of hills, long speed work that enables the athlete to hold together and be strong and fast.
    3. There is SPEED-Working on maintaining and holding fast paces in races.
    4. There is PEAK- Fine tuning, resting, sharpening for the championship races.
  4. A good summer enables the athlete to reach their full potential in the fall.
  5. Summer running affords newcomers the chance to get acquainted with how the team operates, and learn about the sport in a relaxed and positive environment before the school and racing season begins.
  6. Parents can get accustomed to the sport, see how the coaches handle the team and learn about the program for the fall.
  7. Important TEAM BONDING among the runners can be formed in the fun and relatively relaxed atmosphere of the summer workouts.
  8. Athletes can use different running sites and have more post-run get togethers experiencing the total package of the cross country experience.
  9. Since September weather can be hot, summer training enables you to acclimate to the heat, develop good hydration habits and understand the necessity of a sound running diet.
  10. Athletes should stick as close as possible to the recommended workout schedule and mileage plans provided.